Monday, March 15, 2010



Computers have become an integral part of every student’s studies. Today, every school has at least one computer – enabled classroom, and most media centres now include computers that students can access. Teachers in computer based environments are sometimes so harried that they resort to systems such as “computer stoplights” in which a green, a yellow and a red paper cup are stacked on top of each monitor. If students are on track, they keep the green cup on top. If they get stuck but can do something else, they put the yellow cup on top. And if they’re totally struck and need the teacher’s help, they put the red cup on top ( Steigerwalt , 2007). Fortunately, a category of software has been created to boost teacher productivity in computer – enabled classrooms. Previously called lab instruction software or computer lab software, it is now most widely referred to as classroom management software – Synchroneyes.

This classroom management software is very useful and suitable to the classroom environment. It is very useful as it can help students keep on track, monitor student activity with ease, give students direct support , broadcast to multiple screens and enables student collaboration and flexibility for teachers.

Through this software, the teacher can monitor students’ activities easily and as such it makes is suitable in achieving a good learning environment. The teacher will be able to view and observe the computer screens of all its students on an individual, group or class basis from his or her computer. This is viewed in the thumbnail images that can be checked and refreshed every few seconds which ensures that the teacher can monitor what the students are doing at every point in time. Additionally, the teacher will be able see what applications or programmes the students are using with a simple icon that is placed on the top – left hand corner. I know for sure that if I am teaching one of my lessons through the aid of the computer, this feature will be very beneficial and relevant to me as I can safely monitor all of my students’ activities : both of which and of which they were not instructed to do. In this manner, I will be able to control to a certain extent the content of my lesson and ensure that my students grasp the basic concepts of my lesson rather than surfing the internet for recreational purposes. This is further derived from the feature “capture screens”. This will allow me to take a snapshot of a student’s screen and save it as an image with a time and date stamp to record or document misconduct. Further to this, I can delegate some of my colleagues to be my teaching aides by accessing the thumbnail view to and monitor my classroom on a group, individual or class basis.

Another important use of this software is that it encourages students to focus on their learning. Through this software, I can capture the attention of my class on a group or individual basis by locking their screens using the customizable “Eyes to the front message”. I can also persuade students to keep focus by controlling their online access. I can block or restrict their access to the Internet. I am able to create multiple Internet locking rules that prevents students from accessing the Internet but allow them to use specific websites but prevent them from going to specific websites and even checking their electronic mail (e - mail). The teacher can also persuade students to send any queries of questions directly to you through the chatting menu on this software.

Additionally, I can prevent my students from accessing application such as games, instant messaging or any other customizable application blocking rules. I can choose to block a few applications while allowing all others, or I can block all applications except those I want students to use in their lessons.

Further to this, support is also interwined in this software. Supporting students and motivating them is one the key elements of successful learning environment and this software satisfies this criteria. My students can send me questions and I can respond to them individually and also give them immediate assistance. This feature is of great relevance in today’s educational systems as it caters for the engagement of learning. Dewey (1961) believed that education was a process for improving the human condition. He thought the school was responsible for preparing the child for the realities of today rather than some vague future times.

Additionally, I can chat with students individually or as a class. I can also avoid distracting students with messages that don’t apply to them by restricting my comments to certain groups. The teacher like myself, can take control of any computer to guide students through a particular task or problem. I am able to use the mouse to draw on a student’s screen with digital ink to attract attention to a certain area. Any changes that I make will be visible to the student in real time video conferencing and I also have the option to share control so that both the student and I can make the necessary changes and as such can boost a teacher’s productivity.

With the Synchroneyes software, the teacher can utilize and share their screen with other students. I can demonstrate a concept in a lesson by projecting my desktop to all of my students in the classroom. Each of my students will be able to see in detail what I am presenting and I can either set the screen to Full Screen mode so that my students can’t view or use other applications, or I can set my broadcast to Window mode so that my students can switch between the broadcast and other applications. Additionally, I can show my students a sample of an exemplary work done by a student in their classroom by projecting a single student screen to all other screens in the room. Students can share their work more effectively and learn from each other, improving their engagement in the lesson which is an element of the Constructivist approach. I can take control of my student’s computer and share control with the student or let them keep control. I can also send assignments or documents directly to all of my students, once the file is downloaded on the student computer, it automatically opens in the associated application. They in return can send their assignments and other files where their name, time and date are automatically inserted into the file name and all files are stored in a folder for one’s choosing. They can also receive videos and the software can synchronize playback so that the video begins only after every student has received the file. Teachers also have the opportunity to choose between two ways to remotely launch a website on all students computers. The teacher can either open Internet Explorer browser, navigate to the selected webpage and click Send to Students button to have that page open on all computers. Additionally, the teacher can use the Send Web button with the Synchroneyes
software and the URL ( Uniform Resource Locator) of the website that they may want their students to visit.

This software boosts a unique student collaboration feature that is based on the think-write-pair-share model for small-group collaboration. This feature enables you to improve lesson comprehension and help students develop teamwork and consensus-building skills. Teachers can use the follow the think-write-pair-share learning model to randomly organize students into small groups : Think – Students work independently on a task., Write – Each student individually decided on an answer and digitally submits it, Pair – Students are randomly divided into groups of two of three, Share – Students present their ideas to other group members by sharing screens and they work to come to a consensus. Once each of them agrees on a shared answer, one student submits the file digitally on behalf of the group.After students have worked individually on an assignment, they can team up to come to a consensus by sharing screens and collaborating face-to-face or from opposite corners of the room. Once finished, the group can send the assignment to you digitally.

Additionally, teachers can create and monitor group chat sessions. Teachers can create a controlled chat environment for students to discuss a given topic. It also allows you to tailor specific actions to a certain section of the class. For example, you can create a group mode up of students who are easily distracted and then monitor their computer screens. In addition, multiple choice questions can be sent to students to evaluate them on a topic that was presented to the class. Teachers can send a yes-or-no question to the class or a group and ask them to vote on it. The Synchroneyes software automatically tallies the responses and displays the result of the vote at the bottom of the window.

The Synchroneyes software also gives way to the flexibility of a teacher’s workload. SynchronEyes software helps keep students focused but also keeps you responsive to the spontaneous twists and turns of your lessons. Broadcast your screen to the class if a concept needs reinforcement. Share an individual’s work on screen to provoke discussion, or arrange chat groups and screen-sharing. To assess understanding, create a quiz by importing questions from XML quiz bank files. Once the software has marked the quiz, you can easily view the results. Whether your technology is wired or wireless, whether it includes a handful of computers or thirty mobile devices, SynchronEyes software facilitates classroom communication. You can carry on teaching, knowing that your students’ work is secure and that they are concentrating on the task at hand.

The Synchroneyes software though it is suitable for the classroom environment, it is not appropriate for Distance Education needs as the software is not designed for this purpose. However, it is relevant to the classroom environment as a teacher can monitor a student’s computer in another room as long as both computers are on the same local area network (LAN). Additionally, it is also of great relevance as it can run on both wired and wireless networks as it has enhanced security features such as authentication and encryption which keep classroom communication safe from outsiders.

The Synchroneyes software has world wide recognition and trust by creating innovative and easy-to-use products. Though, some may argue that is is not relevant to Trinidad and Tobago’s curriculum as it is costly to implement , it is my belief that it’s dedication to research and development ensures that Synchroneyes will be continually enhance long-term product support to teachers and students. The Syncrhoneyes software is an excellent software and I have absolutely no problem and in recommending this software to teachers, parents and students. I urge interested parties to visit : and


Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.

Steigerwalt, J. (2007). Educational Administration : Theoretical Perspective
in Practice and Research. (3rd ed.). New York : Harper and Row.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Education today is in a constant state of change. This is greatly due to the advancements in electronics, technology, and media. Geometer’s Sketchpad is one computer programme that will change the way that mathematics is taught. Geometer’s Sketchpad can be used to teach many units in mathematics. The United States of America Survey of Mathematics Teachers (2009) states that Geometer’s Sketchpad is the most valuable software for students. It is also viewed as the award – winning Dynamic Geometry mathematics visualization software that has ever been created.

Geometer's Sketchpad is a popular commercial interactive geometry software programme that is utilized for exploring Euclidean geometry, algebra, calculus, and other areas of mathematics. It was created by Nicholas Jackiw. It is designed to run on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later and Mac OS 8.6 or later (including Mac OS X). The Geometer's Sketchpad is a dynamic construction and exploration tool that adds a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. Across the United States and in countries around the world, Geometer’s Sketchpad™ helps students to better understand a range of mathematical subjects and has been an educational technology leader for almost twenty years.

Geometer's Sketchpad is used in many secondary mathematics classrooms throughout the United States and Canada. NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) had identified one of its six principles as a Technology principle, stating that "Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students' learning." Geometer's Sketchpad is one of these examples. The program comes with program files to help deepen students' understanding of such concepts as slope, geometric transformations and arithmetic on integers.

The Geometer’s Sketchpad can be used in classrooms at all levels of the mathematics curriculum. It has a scope that spans of the mathematics curriculum from elementary school to university. Topics and activities designed specifically for use in elementary and middle school classrooms include counting by grouping, measuring, balancing equations, similarity, adding integers, areas of triangles and circle vocabulary.

This software is very useful as it brings a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. It is a dynamic construction and exploration tool that enables students to explore and understand mathematics in ways that are simply not possible with traditional tools—or with other mathematics software programs. Geometer’s sketchpad embodies dynamic visualization, enhances learning across the curriculum and is very easy and versatile to use.

Another use of Geometer’s Sketchpad is that students can construct an object, then explore its mathematical properties by dragging the object with the mouse. All mathematical relationships are preserved, allowing students to examine an entire set of similar cases in a matter of seconds, leading them by natural course to generalizations. It encourages a process of discovery in which students first visualize and analyze a problem, then make conjectures before attempting a proof.

Geometer’s Sketchpad brings its full dynamic power to the study of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus. Additionally, Geometer’s Sketchpad has a dynamic and visual approach that allows younger students to develop the concrete foundation they need to move ahead to more advanced levels of study.

Further to this, Geometer’s Sketchpad is designed with an intuitive interface for ease of use, so your students will be focused on the activity, not the navigation. It is also is suitable in a variety of classroom settings - with an overhead projector, with one or two classroom computers, or in a computer lab. Students can work on independent explorations, and they can solve assigned problems collaboratively or alone. Teachers can use Geometer’s Sketchpad to create worksheets, exams, and reports by exporting Sketchpad figures and measurements to spreadsheets, word processors, other drawing programs and on the internet.

Geometer’s Sketchpad is relevant in a variety of subjects—not just geometry. This hands-on, visual approach benefits students of all ages. Younger students develop the solid foundation they need for more advanced mathematical studies, and older students clarify their understanding of abstract concepts in algebra, geometry, and calculus.

I am always looking for ways to implement different technology into my lessons (especially Geometry). I had no idea what opportunities existed just in using Geometer's Sketchpad. I would have liked to have known about so many of the things I have learned prior to teaching but I totally intend in implementing this software into my teaching.

Geometer's Sketchpad is an interactive software program that allows teachers and students alike to represent so many graphic designs and geometric shapes. The software is appropriate as it is user friendly and a little bit of exploring can go a long way. As a teacher, I highly recommend this software to any other teacher who is looking for ways to appropriately and effectively integrate technology into a lesson plan. For someone like myself who is "artistically challenged", I am able to quickly and easily represent many concepts rather quickly with exceptional accuracy.

There are many other topics that make Geometer’s Sketchpad relevant and worthwhile to adopt into anyone’s teaching career. Transformations are difficult topics for students to grasp because it is difficult to teach visual topics in a non-visual way. Thus, Geometer’s Sketchpad can be an effective tool to teach these topics. Teachers can also use this programme to teach the equation for the length of a line segment. Geometer’s Sketchpad is equipped with a function, which measures the length of any line segment in inches or centimeters. Area, perimeter, and circumference can also be taught using this program. Geometer’s Sketchpad is also equipped to measure circumference of circles, as well as area of closed figures. By using the length of a line segment feature, students can also calculate perimeters. Trig function are difficult for some to understand. Geometer’s Sketchpad can help in the comprehension of these ratios by using the calculator feature. Students can also learn about the “special triangles” (30, 60, 90, and 45, 45, 90) and the trig functions relating to each angle of these triangles by using the “calculate angle” command.

An example of the use of Geometer’s Sketchpad in a lesson : “Measuring Circles, Angles, and Arc. This investigation concentrates on:
(1)Measuring the circumference and radius of a circle and calculating their ratio
(2) Constructing an arc on a circle and measuring its arc angle and arc length
(3) Measuring and comparing central and inscribed angle.
(4) Constructing a section and comparing its area to the area of the circle.

If I qualify for Secondary teaching in the future, I would use Geometer’s Sketchpad in all my high school mathematics and economics classes. However, for Form One and Form Two, it is suitable as an introductory tool to basic algebra, and trigonometry. I would use it as an exploration or introduction into a new topic. This would give the students an idea, especially visually of what this new topic is about and also a chance to play with it before studying the topic. In the higher level classes from Form Three to Form Six, it would be appropriately used as a teaching and assessment tool. I think the greatest use would be in the areas of trigonometry, geometry.

Geometer’s Sketchpad is also suitable for students who have different learning styles and preferences. The typical mathematics environment is where tests and quizzes are given randomly. With Geometer’s Sketchpad it is suited for students who may have test anxiety and for those who have a preparation issue as it assists students to solve problems on their own. This will motivate students and allow them to be more productive. Maslow (1969) states in his hierarchy of needs that these self – esteem needs will eventually give rise to self – actualization need which is the highest potential that an individual can reach and as such they would gained the confidence in solving the various problems given to them.

With Geometer’s Sketchpad, the teacher will be using direct learning when he is demonstrating a problem on the board for the class and guiding the class through a common practice problem. The teacher will be using constructivist activities when he or she gives the students general instructions and asks them to find a solution on their own using the tools and assistance in the classroom. The teacher will assess student learning through problem – solving practice and through hands – on projects. Therefore, students will be developing higher order skills : analysis, comparison, inference and evaluation.

To use Geometer’s Sketchpad effectively in a mathematics course, you need a plan for how you will use the software and how you will assess you students (based on both their work in class and in the computer lab). I am not one hundred percent certain of when each aspect of geometry is taught so to place a specific application of the program to particular Form will be difficult. Some may argue that it is not relevant as it is very costly to implement but it is my belief that the benefits outweigh the difficulties encountered in implementing this software into our curriculum. However, regardless of which class it is being introduced to, one of the most important things teachers can do is to familiarize the students with the program so that future lessons will allow more time for learning and less time for orientation.

I have listed some of the advantages for using the Geometer's Sketchpad software. As a teacher, here are some benefits to the Geometer's Sketchpad software:
• More accurate geometric shapes than drawing examples out by hand.
• Colour and labelling add clarity to work and concepts.
• Measurements are easily calculated for you if needed.
• Animation allows for students to see geometry in motion.
• Manipulation can be done effortlessly without the need for time consuming
• Technology allows the students to become more interactive in their lessons.
• Technology skills will enhance the student's motivation and willingness to explore
new concepts!
• Work can be saved, printed, and/or edited later as newer concepts emerge!
Here are also some advice for teachers who are new to the software:
• Enjoy learning to use the software : play, experiment and explore.
• Lessons can be saved to check for correct student constructions and not just
a final picture
• Multiple drawings can be made by you before class and sent to your students
as a way to save time.
• When making a lesson on Geometer’s Sketchpad, just be careful when clicking
on a diagram as this can be frustrating if you're not paying attention.
• Calculations will still continue to work as pictures and diagrams are
• Paper and pencil drawings are still drawn on the computer with better
accuracy from yourself and students and it helps to eliminate a paper trail.

Online websites are also available for ideas, lessons, and how-to's for Geometer's Sketchpad. Some of these websites include:,http:// e-z, and

The geometer’s sketchpad is a valuable tool that can be used in the classroom to meet the technological requirements of the Trinidad and Tobago’s curriculum. It is therefore relevant to the educational system internationally and regionally in the Caribbean. In my future classes, I would definitely incorporate geometer’s sketchpad into my lessons. Most teachers avoid geometry but in reality mathematics is a form of communication and so too is geometry. The overall expectation states: Students will formulate conjectures and generalizations about geometric relationships involving two dimensional figures, through investigations facilitated by geometry software where appropriate. This is further reiterated as “ Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love, for its Inductive logic and even beauty”.


Key Curriculum Press (1995). The Geometer’s Sketchpad: Dynamic
Geometry for the 21st Century. CA:Key Curriculum Press.

Maslow,A.(1969).Psychology Essentials Two. (2nd ed.). New York:
Mc Graw Hill Higher Education.

NCTM (1989). Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics.
Reston,Va.:The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc.

NCTM (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston,
Va.:The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,Inc.

Van Hiele, P. M. (1989). Structure and Insight: A Theory of Mathematics Education.
Orlando: Academic Press

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



In the twenty - first century, the introduction of technology in the classroom plays an essential role. Galbraith (1967) defined technology as the systematic or other organized knowledge to practical skills. Educational software is one of the most powerful tools in any education system. It is one of the major components of computer software that is designed to facilitate teaching and learning. In order for educational software to be useful, it must be linked with hardware and wetware (brain activity). The Quizdom (United States of America) / Qwizdom (United Kingdom) Interactive Learning System Software is one of the leading softwares in today's society.

The main composition of the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software comprise: the Quizdom Interact Software and the Quizdom's Ready Set Curriculum Software that work hand in hand with the Quizdom's Interactive Classroom Response System. The Quizdom Interact contains a test bank of pre – made lessons, quizzes, questions, answers, resources and games in different subject areas which are organized into professional presentations that utilizes vivid, rich and descriptive images. In the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software, there is a two - way infrared communication between the teacher and the student. This is because there are hand held remotes available to both the instructor and the students as a medium of communication through out the lesson/ lecture. This is where the Quizdom Classroom Response System is evolved. The teacher poses questions on a topic within a subject area verbally or on the screen (whiteboard) and the class responds via the interactive handsets. According to its category , the remotes allow you to vary the questions types into multiple - choice (a, b, c, d), yes/ no, true / false format, numeric format, sequencing and rating scale. It is also suitable as it does not limit to only multiple choice but it allows the option of text responses which would overcome the potential for students to simply guess at a multiple choice.

The Quizdom Interact Software that is compatible with the Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response System includes basically comprise a hub, remote controls for both the instructor and students. All of the remotes have a unique and rewarding feature of a radio frequency communication. It includes basically three types of remotes for children: Q2, Q4 and Q5 in the American’s Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response Software and Q3, Q4 and Q5 in the United Kingdom’s Qwizdom Interactive Classroom Response Software. These remotes are not suitable to all ages and to just any activity. They are used in accordance with the age, nature of the task , activity levels and the cost involved . The Q2 and the Q3 provides the same quality as the Q4 and Q5 in a smaller size and minimized features. They possess a system for a three – row custom e ink system that displays three – row numbers. They are affordable, robust, light weight and have the features of right / wrong feedback, mode indicators, numeric features, yes / no, true / false questions to use with a revolutionary new screen display. I am of the belief that the Q2 and Q3 is ideal for Primary School students from Standard one to Standard Five in the Trinidad and Tobago Education System for Grade One to Grade Five in other educational systems in the world. Students at the infant level maybe able to read the questions presented and enjoy the illustrations but some of them may not have developed the necessary gross and motor skills to handle these remotes even though they are suitable to an extent as they are safe and ergonomically designed. The Q4 has an alpha numeric keypad and a large liquid crystal screen (LCD) display screen and is capable of answering more complex and a wider range of questions and so it is more suitable for Secondary School students as it is relevant to presentations and events. This is because it supports eight different questions types, instant right / wrong and instant feedback. However, the Q5 has all the features of the Q4 but it has the additional feature of text input and responses and makes it the complete solution for any classroom but yet not suitable at levels. I am aware that with the Q5 remote and the Quizdom Interact Software, Form Six students at Secondary School can be given the opportunity to create their own questions/ solutions where their teacher can then input the questions and answers into the Quizdom Software for the whole class to revise from. Indelibly, I think that it is more appropriate for Tertiary Education as it features are more targeted to that sector of any education system.

Importantly, the Instructor Q5 QSRF (Quality of Study Rating Form) remote has the features of navigating between presentation slides, pause, play media and pose new questions for discussion by randomly selecting participants to verbally join the discussion with the pick/ new “q” button. The format of the questions are given similar to all the formats available in the Q2, Q4 and Q5 remotes but it has the additional feature of the rating scale questions : mean, median and mode. The LCD screen is suitable for instant data recall. After the participants answer questions, the instructor is able to view a private response graph on the remote with the press of a button and even tabulate the graph for the entire class. If some students need further attention, the teacher is able to use the help request feature to discretely retrieve information requesting help and then guide them. The function of this Q5 instructor remote confirms my belief that is will be an effective learning tool in my teaching and to my students.

It should be noted that the Q2 remote is most suitable for large groups and shorter activities and the Q4 and Q5 are more appropriate for a more content based curriculum and for longer activities. The Q4 and the Q5 are mainly used for more intense quizzes and as such it is suitable as it facilitates the feature of unique identification so that the students can be stationed from one classroom to another classroom. This will allow flexibility in my teaching schedule in cases where the systems are experiencing problems and so my students will be able to log on elsewhere. This unique identification will also allow my students to log on and work on individual assignments and on work that is given in class. All remotes are however suitable for exam practice or to evaluate if my students grasp the basic concepts after a lessons is taught.

The Quizdom Interact Software is very useful to teachers, students and parents. It provides the function of an assessment tool for teachers. Teachers are able to retrieve immediate feedback and monitor the level of participation of every student based on their answers. As a teacher, I will be able to identify areas which have or have not been fully understood by the majority of my classroom. The instant feedback that this software provides is crucial in assisting teachers when targeting lessons around the quiz results. As well as, I will be able to pinpoint improvement for my students. With Quizdom reports teachers can retrieve data on individual students or whole classes. This data can then be further divided into sub – groups, by individual questions or by the standard addressed. This feature will greatly assist me especially with the quizzes that I will be doing with my classroom around the end of term period. All of the students’ answers and text responses can be recorded and then saved in an assessment data base. The reports can then be viewed, printed or emailed from the system to the appropriate informers. Parents are also able to retrieve information on their child’s performance and can therefore know the strengths and weaknesses of the child which can assist in developing studying timetables at home. The students can utilize this information to motivate themselves to gain higher grades in the different subject areas.This gives me re-assurance of the immense and rewarding features that this software can perform when implemented into my classroom.

Additionally, within the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software and the Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response System the teacher is able to track the responses from each student or they can choose the option of anonymity of each student. This function is suitable for students who are introverted, shy, reluctant and for those who do not want to be embarrassed by their peers if they may have answered some questions incorrectly. You can change the direction of an activity/ lesson to avoid confusion, pose new questions and address the needs of each student and the whole group. In this sense, my students will not have to answer their questions verbally in front of the entire classroom. The anonymity of each student more than likely provides honest answers as their names will not be displayed or known to anyone. It is relevant to my teaching as it fosters a feeling of motivation, encouragement to students who are willing or unwilling to learn. I have Maslow (1967) proposed that when these lower level needs are satisfied, it can lead to the highest level of needs known as self - actualization. Therefore, when students gain the confidence and are comfortable in the learning process they are able to reach their full potential in the most meaningful way. Skiner (1937) also propogated the issuance of positive reinforcement which can motivate these students when utilizing the Quizdom Interact Software. Roblyer (2006) suggested that the integration of technology into teaching and learning can increase student motivation. Students can enjoy using technology. They are motivated and better behaved and are excited about coming to class. This helps provide the most suitable environment as no students are left behind and they can signal that they need help without disrupting the class or drawing attention to themselves.I firmly assert this as I always believed in motivating my students and have always negated negative reinforcement.

The Qwizdom Interactive Learning System Software also meets the needs of children at all academic levels. I was really amazed and happy when I found out that this software provides for all students of different learning abilities.Tammy Dunn of the South Polk Elementary School in Louisiana, United States of America categorically stated “Not only did Qwizdom help us meet the No Child Behind goal, but we far exceeded it. My students’ test scores prove that Qwizdom meet the needs of children at all academic levels. The higher order thinking skills that Qwizdom presents cause students to expand their minds and therefore do better on tests and class work. The enthusiasm to use Qwizdom is the same at all academic levels. The challenging questions stir the mind of the gifted child. The average and low achievers benefit from the immediate feedback, so they can re-think their answer. The games involve all students in teams or individuals. Qwizdom is one of the best assistive technology devices on the market for the academically challenged to the gifted”.

Another useful feature of the Quizdom Interact Software is that teachers can track the performance and measure the success of its students. Teachers can display and record the responses of each student by utilizing graph formats as in bar charts. The results can be shared with the entire class to responses they would have given to the questions. This enables both the teacher and the student to discuss why the correct answer was accurate and why some choices may have been inaccurate. The teacher can also conduct on - going assessment, post
standard - based questions, check for student understanding and make informed instructional decisions of all which are important and suitable attributes of an effective classroom teacher.

The Quizdom Interact Software also saves time in the learning process. It is suitable as it diminishes the time spent on marking, interpreting and manually tabulating student responses to questions. Therefore, the teacher can now spend more time in manipulating data to focus on different students and demographics. The pre - made lessons in this assessment software also assist in creating the content of any curriculum faster.I know for sure that this will assist me when I have to finish and evaluate my class at the end of each term.

Furthermore, the Quizdom Interact Software is suitable for subject areas across the curriculum. The Quizdom Ready Set Curriculum has the feature where teachers and administrators can easily add or delete questions and lessons to better match individual, classroom school or district learning objectives. The Quizdom Ready Set Curriculum Software caters for the mastering of specific fundamental topics in each subject area in both the primary and secondary school system. There are Mathematics lessons that are based on: Shapes, Measurement and Algebra, in the Language Arts: phonics and in Social Studies: American , United Kingdom’s (European) History and other areas as in technology. It is relevant to an extent in our education system as certain subjects are standardized across the world. Though these resources may be useful for standardized teaching methods, it may not be suitable for teachers in other countries in the world. They will learn about American and United Kingdom’s History but it will not be applicable to their our curriculum, for example in Trinidad and Tobago. Hence, I know that may have to adapt some of the questions and answers based on our culture or curriculum content. The only exceptional case will occur at the higher classes at the Form Six Level in the Secondary School System where the curriculum may require the study of American and European History.

Further to this, the Quizdom Interact can seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel. It has the formidable feature where teachers and administrators can easily add or delete questions and lessons to better match individual, classroom school or district learning objectives. Through the use of templates, the teacher have additional flexibility to create multimedia presentations by importing documents and notes from the Quizdom Interact Software unto the Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel and vice versa. Recently, there has been some new innovations of the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software where the Quizdom Mactionpoint and the Quizdom Actionpoint package deals with the above situation.

The Quizdom Interact Software also has a useful function to a school's staff as they can use the resources such as test questions and presentations via a shared folder so that all staff members can access and use them rather than having individualized folders. These questions can then be saved and are always available for future use. It therefore makes the process easier, effective and more efficient. There may be staff members who may want to save their own questions and answers and as such this is may not be suitable to them but it is relevant to the school system.

The general aim of any education system is to make the learning process as engaging, motivating, enjoyable and meaningful as possible. As such, this Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is relevant to any educational society as it embodies all of the aforementioned qualities. With today’s focus on accountability and assessment, the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is a must have in schools and corporations around the world. However, in Trinidad and Tobago, it may not be as feasible as we are not technologically mature as other countries of the world. For some countries as in Trinidad and Tobago, it can be costly to implement. Though it is relevant , it may not be suitable where the school is in debt or cost effective even though the learning process will be more effective through the utilization of this software. In order for this software to be implemented, there should be the training of teachers, staff members and students which can be time – consuming but beneficial in the long run.

The Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is a novel way of keeping students focused and engaging students through their teaching and learning. As a future teacher, I would safely recommend this software to my fellow staff members, Principal, parents and community organizations as it encourages learning to be in an interactive, enjoyable, engaging and motivating.I intend to implement this fulfilling software into my teaching without any hesitation. I persuade individuals who are interested and those individuals especially in the teaching system to visit: , , , Interact_Quickstart.pdf to retrieve information on this wonderful software and to formulate their personal insights on how it can be integrated into their teaching. It is truly indicative of the twenty – first century learning environment as it satisfies the elements of a teacher and a student centred educational software and educational tool.

Roblyer, M.D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.
(4th ed.).New York: Pearson Prentice Hall
Santrock, J. (2008). Child development. (11th ed.). New York:Mc Graw-Hill
Higher Education
Skiner, B.F. (1938). Psychology Essentials Two. (2nd ed.).New York:
Mc Graw-Hill Higher Education.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010



Upon being accepted to pursue this education course, Educational Technology- TECH 110E, I became very excited and enthusiastic. I knew that this course will supplement my teaching skills and benefit my teaching career as it would educate me on the many ways I could integrate and teach technology in my classroom.

It is my belief that the integration of technology into the curriculum should be a priority in all schools as we live in a technological era.

Technology should be integrated as a teaching and communication tool, increase student engagement and give them motivation to learn. Ultimately, we will be able to effectively utilize technology, develop educational materials through the utilization of software, productivity and internet tools and evaluate the relevance, suitability and usefulness of these tools in the education community.

It is really amazing how much we use technology on a daily basis as compared to ten years ago. It is my hope that you enjoy reading my personal insights on Educational Software and Educational Software Tools in the twenty-first era.

Take care and enjoy :)

Respectfully yours,
Aasha Bhagaloo



Hi and welcome to my Educational Technology - TECH 110E blog. My name is Aasha Bhagaloo. I am twenty-six years of age and I reside at Cunaripo Village inSangre Grande, Trinidad , West Indies.

I am currently a student at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (U.T.T.) pursuing my Bachelor's of Education Degree (B.Ed.) at the Valsayn Campus.

My aim is to attain a teaching position at the Secondary School Level specializing in the Economics area.

My long - term goal is to become a Lecturer and a School Advisor.

I have always had a keen interest in technology and its role in the learning and education process.

Therefore pursuing this course will support and enhance many of my educational experiences in the classroom.