Monday, March 15, 2010



Computers have become an integral part of every student’s studies. Today, every school has at least one computer – enabled classroom, and most media centres now include computers that students can access. Teachers in computer based environments are sometimes so harried that they resort to systems such as “computer stoplights” in which a green, a yellow and a red paper cup are stacked on top of each monitor. If students are on track, they keep the green cup on top. If they get stuck but can do something else, they put the yellow cup on top. And if they’re totally struck and need the teacher’s help, they put the red cup on top ( Steigerwalt , 2007). Fortunately, a category of software has been created to boost teacher productivity in computer – enabled classrooms. Previously called lab instruction software or computer lab software, it is now most widely referred to as classroom management software – Synchroneyes.

This classroom management software is very useful and suitable to the classroom environment. It is very useful as it can help students keep on track, monitor student activity with ease, give students direct support , broadcast to multiple screens and enables student collaboration and flexibility for teachers.

Through this software, the teacher can monitor students’ activities easily and as such it makes is suitable in achieving a good learning environment. The teacher will be able to view and observe the computer screens of all its students on an individual, group or class basis from his or her computer. This is viewed in the thumbnail images that can be checked and refreshed every few seconds which ensures that the teacher can monitor what the students are doing at every point in time. Additionally, the teacher will be able see what applications or programmes the students are using with a simple icon that is placed on the top – left hand corner. I know for sure that if I am teaching one of my lessons through the aid of the computer, this feature will be very beneficial and relevant to me as I can safely monitor all of my students’ activities : both of which and of which they were not instructed to do. In this manner, I will be able to control to a certain extent the content of my lesson and ensure that my students grasp the basic concepts of my lesson rather than surfing the internet for recreational purposes. This is further derived from the feature “capture screens”. This will allow me to take a snapshot of a student’s screen and save it as an image with a time and date stamp to record or document misconduct. Further to this, I can delegate some of my colleagues to be my teaching aides by accessing the thumbnail view to and monitor my classroom on a group, individual or class basis.

Another important use of this software is that it encourages students to focus on their learning. Through this software, I can capture the attention of my class on a group or individual basis by locking their screens using the customizable “Eyes to the front message”. I can also persuade students to keep focus by controlling their online access. I can block or restrict their access to the Internet. I am able to create multiple Internet locking rules that prevents students from accessing the Internet but allow them to use specific websites but prevent them from going to specific websites and even checking their electronic mail (e - mail). The teacher can also persuade students to send any queries of questions directly to you through the chatting menu on this software.

Additionally, I can prevent my students from accessing application such as games, instant messaging or any other customizable application blocking rules. I can choose to block a few applications while allowing all others, or I can block all applications except those I want students to use in their lessons.

Further to this, support is also interwined in this software. Supporting students and motivating them is one the key elements of successful learning environment and this software satisfies this criteria. My students can send me questions and I can respond to them individually and also give them immediate assistance. This feature is of great relevance in today’s educational systems as it caters for the engagement of learning. Dewey (1961) believed that education was a process for improving the human condition. He thought the school was responsible for preparing the child for the realities of today rather than some vague future times.

Additionally, I can chat with students individually or as a class. I can also avoid distracting students with messages that don’t apply to them by restricting my comments to certain groups. The teacher like myself, can take control of any computer to guide students through a particular task or problem. I am able to use the mouse to draw on a student’s screen with digital ink to attract attention to a certain area. Any changes that I make will be visible to the student in real time video conferencing and I also have the option to share control so that both the student and I can make the necessary changes and as such can boost a teacher’s productivity.

With the Synchroneyes software, the teacher can utilize and share their screen with other students. I can demonstrate a concept in a lesson by projecting my desktop to all of my students in the classroom. Each of my students will be able to see in detail what I am presenting and I can either set the screen to Full Screen mode so that my students can’t view or use other applications, or I can set my broadcast to Window mode so that my students can switch between the broadcast and other applications. Additionally, I can show my students a sample of an exemplary work done by a student in their classroom by projecting a single student screen to all other screens in the room. Students can share their work more effectively and learn from each other, improving their engagement in the lesson which is an element of the Constructivist approach. I can take control of my student’s computer and share control with the student or let them keep control. I can also send assignments or documents directly to all of my students, once the file is downloaded on the student computer, it automatically opens in the associated application. They in return can send their assignments and other files where their name, time and date are automatically inserted into the file name and all files are stored in a folder for one’s choosing. They can also receive videos and the software can synchronize playback so that the video begins only after every student has received the file. Teachers also have the opportunity to choose between two ways to remotely launch a website on all students computers. The teacher can either open Internet Explorer browser, navigate to the selected webpage and click Send to Students button to have that page open on all computers. Additionally, the teacher can use the Send Web button with the Synchroneyes
software and the URL ( Uniform Resource Locator) of the website that they may want their students to visit.

This software boosts a unique student collaboration feature that is based on the think-write-pair-share model for small-group collaboration. This feature enables you to improve lesson comprehension and help students develop teamwork and consensus-building skills. Teachers can use the follow the think-write-pair-share learning model to randomly organize students into small groups : Think – Students work independently on a task., Write – Each student individually decided on an answer and digitally submits it, Pair – Students are randomly divided into groups of two of three, Share – Students present their ideas to other group members by sharing screens and they work to come to a consensus. Once each of them agrees on a shared answer, one student submits the file digitally on behalf of the group.After students have worked individually on an assignment, they can team up to come to a consensus by sharing screens and collaborating face-to-face or from opposite corners of the room. Once finished, the group can send the assignment to you digitally.

Additionally, teachers can create and monitor group chat sessions. Teachers can create a controlled chat environment for students to discuss a given topic. It also allows you to tailor specific actions to a certain section of the class. For example, you can create a group mode up of students who are easily distracted and then monitor their computer screens. In addition, multiple choice questions can be sent to students to evaluate them on a topic that was presented to the class. Teachers can send a yes-or-no question to the class or a group and ask them to vote on it. The Synchroneyes software automatically tallies the responses and displays the result of the vote at the bottom of the window.

The Synchroneyes software also gives way to the flexibility of a teacher’s workload. SynchronEyes software helps keep students focused but also keeps you responsive to the spontaneous twists and turns of your lessons. Broadcast your screen to the class if a concept needs reinforcement. Share an individual’s work on screen to provoke discussion, or arrange chat groups and screen-sharing. To assess understanding, create a quiz by importing questions from XML quiz bank files. Once the software has marked the quiz, you can easily view the results. Whether your technology is wired or wireless, whether it includes a handful of computers or thirty mobile devices, SynchronEyes software facilitates classroom communication. You can carry on teaching, knowing that your students’ work is secure and that they are concentrating on the task at hand.

The Synchroneyes software though it is suitable for the classroom environment, it is not appropriate for Distance Education needs as the software is not designed for this purpose. However, it is relevant to the classroom environment as a teacher can monitor a student’s computer in another room as long as both computers are on the same local area network (LAN). Additionally, it is also of great relevance as it can run on both wired and wireless networks as it has enhanced security features such as authentication and encryption which keep classroom communication safe from outsiders.

The Synchroneyes software has world wide recognition and trust by creating innovative and easy-to-use products. Though, some may argue that is is not relevant to Trinidad and Tobago’s curriculum as it is costly to implement , it is my belief that it’s dedication to research and development ensures that Synchroneyes will be continually enhance long-term product support to teachers and students. The Syncrhoneyes software is an excellent software and I have absolutely no problem and in recommending this software to teachers, parents and students. I urge interested parties to visit : and


Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.

Steigerwalt, J. (2007). Educational Administration : Theoretical Perspective
in Practice and Research. (3rd ed.). New York : Harper and Row.

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