Wednesday, February 3, 2010



In the twenty - first century, the introduction of technology in the classroom plays an essential role. Galbraith (1967) defined technology as the systematic or other organized knowledge to practical skills. Educational software is one of the most powerful tools in any education system. It is one of the major components of computer software that is designed to facilitate teaching and learning. In order for educational software to be useful, it must be linked with hardware and wetware (brain activity). The Quizdom (United States of America) / Qwizdom (United Kingdom) Interactive Learning System Software is one of the leading softwares in today's society.

The main composition of the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software comprise: the Quizdom Interact Software and the Quizdom's Ready Set Curriculum Software that work hand in hand with the Quizdom's Interactive Classroom Response System. The Quizdom Interact contains a test bank of pre – made lessons, quizzes, questions, answers, resources and games in different subject areas which are organized into professional presentations that utilizes vivid, rich and descriptive images. In the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software, there is a two - way infrared communication between the teacher and the student. This is because there are hand held remotes available to both the instructor and the students as a medium of communication through out the lesson/ lecture. This is where the Quizdom Classroom Response System is evolved. The teacher poses questions on a topic within a subject area verbally or on the screen (whiteboard) and the class responds via the interactive handsets. According to its category , the remotes allow you to vary the questions types into multiple - choice (a, b, c, d), yes/ no, true / false format, numeric format, sequencing and rating scale. It is also suitable as it does not limit to only multiple choice but it allows the option of text responses which would overcome the potential for students to simply guess at a multiple choice.

The Quizdom Interact Software that is compatible with the Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response System includes basically comprise a hub, remote controls for both the instructor and students. All of the remotes have a unique and rewarding feature of a radio frequency communication. It includes basically three types of remotes for children: Q2, Q4 and Q5 in the American’s Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response Software and Q3, Q4 and Q5 in the United Kingdom’s Qwizdom Interactive Classroom Response Software. These remotes are not suitable to all ages and to just any activity. They are used in accordance with the age, nature of the task , activity levels and the cost involved . The Q2 and the Q3 provides the same quality as the Q4 and Q5 in a smaller size and minimized features. They possess a system for a three – row custom e ink system that displays three – row numbers. They are affordable, robust, light weight and have the features of right / wrong feedback, mode indicators, numeric features, yes / no, true / false questions to use with a revolutionary new screen display. I am of the belief that the Q2 and Q3 is ideal for Primary School students from Standard one to Standard Five in the Trinidad and Tobago Education System for Grade One to Grade Five in other educational systems in the world. Students at the infant level maybe able to read the questions presented and enjoy the illustrations but some of them may not have developed the necessary gross and motor skills to handle these remotes even though they are suitable to an extent as they are safe and ergonomically designed. The Q4 has an alpha numeric keypad and a large liquid crystal screen (LCD) display screen and is capable of answering more complex and a wider range of questions and so it is more suitable for Secondary School students as it is relevant to presentations and events. This is because it supports eight different questions types, instant right / wrong and instant feedback. However, the Q5 has all the features of the Q4 but it has the additional feature of text input and responses and makes it the complete solution for any classroom but yet not suitable at levels. I am aware that with the Q5 remote and the Quizdom Interact Software, Form Six students at Secondary School can be given the opportunity to create their own questions/ solutions where their teacher can then input the questions and answers into the Quizdom Software for the whole class to revise from. Indelibly, I think that it is more appropriate for Tertiary Education as it features are more targeted to that sector of any education system.

Importantly, the Instructor Q5 QSRF (Quality of Study Rating Form) remote has the features of navigating between presentation slides, pause, play media and pose new questions for discussion by randomly selecting participants to verbally join the discussion with the pick/ new “q” button. The format of the questions are given similar to all the formats available in the Q2, Q4 and Q5 remotes but it has the additional feature of the rating scale questions : mean, median and mode. The LCD screen is suitable for instant data recall. After the participants answer questions, the instructor is able to view a private response graph on the remote with the press of a button and even tabulate the graph for the entire class. If some students need further attention, the teacher is able to use the help request feature to discretely retrieve information requesting help and then guide them. The function of this Q5 instructor remote confirms my belief that is will be an effective learning tool in my teaching and to my students.

It should be noted that the Q2 remote is most suitable for large groups and shorter activities and the Q4 and Q5 are more appropriate for a more content based curriculum and for longer activities. The Q4 and the Q5 are mainly used for more intense quizzes and as such it is suitable as it facilitates the feature of unique identification so that the students can be stationed from one classroom to another classroom. This will allow flexibility in my teaching schedule in cases where the systems are experiencing problems and so my students will be able to log on elsewhere. This unique identification will also allow my students to log on and work on individual assignments and on work that is given in class. All remotes are however suitable for exam practice or to evaluate if my students grasp the basic concepts after a lessons is taught.

The Quizdom Interact Software is very useful to teachers, students and parents. It provides the function of an assessment tool for teachers. Teachers are able to retrieve immediate feedback and monitor the level of participation of every student based on their answers. As a teacher, I will be able to identify areas which have or have not been fully understood by the majority of my classroom. The instant feedback that this software provides is crucial in assisting teachers when targeting lessons around the quiz results. As well as, I will be able to pinpoint improvement for my students. With Quizdom reports teachers can retrieve data on individual students or whole classes. This data can then be further divided into sub – groups, by individual questions or by the standard addressed. This feature will greatly assist me especially with the quizzes that I will be doing with my classroom around the end of term period. All of the students’ answers and text responses can be recorded and then saved in an assessment data base. The reports can then be viewed, printed or emailed from the system to the appropriate informers. Parents are also able to retrieve information on their child’s performance and can therefore know the strengths and weaknesses of the child which can assist in developing studying timetables at home. The students can utilize this information to motivate themselves to gain higher grades in the different subject areas.This gives me re-assurance of the immense and rewarding features that this software can perform when implemented into my classroom.

Additionally, within the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software and the Quizdom Interactive Classroom Response System the teacher is able to track the responses from each student or they can choose the option of anonymity of each student. This function is suitable for students who are introverted, shy, reluctant and for those who do not want to be embarrassed by their peers if they may have answered some questions incorrectly. You can change the direction of an activity/ lesson to avoid confusion, pose new questions and address the needs of each student and the whole group. In this sense, my students will not have to answer their questions verbally in front of the entire classroom. The anonymity of each student more than likely provides honest answers as their names will not be displayed or known to anyone. It is relevant to my teaching as it fosters a feeling of motivation, encouragement to students who are willing or unwilling to learn. I have Maslow (1967) proposed that when these lower level needs are satisfied, it can lead to the highest level of needs known as self - actualization. Therefore, when students gain the confidence and are comfortable in the learning process they are able to reach their full potential in the most meaningful way. Skiner (1937) also propogated the issuance of positive reinforcement which can motivate these students when utilizing the Quizdom Interact Software. Roblyer (2006) suggested that the integration of technology into teaching and learning can increase student motivation. Students can enjoy using technology. They are motivated and better behaved and are excited about coming to class. This helps provide the most suitable environment as no students are left behind and they can signal that they need help without disrupting the class or drawing attention to themselves.I firmly assert this as I always believed in motivating my students and have always negated negative reinforcement.

The Qwizdom Interactive Learning System Software also meets the needs of children at all academic levels. I was really amazed and happy when I found out that this software provides for all students of different learning abilities.Tammy Dunn of the South Polk Elementary School in Louisiana, United States of America categorically stated “Not only did Qwizdom help us meet the No Child Behind goal, but we far exceeded it. My students’ test scores prove that Qwizdom meet the needs of children at all academic levels. The higher order thinking skills that Qwizdom presents cause students to expand their minds and therefore do better on tests and class work. The enthusiasm to use Qwizdom is the same at all academic levels. The challenging questions stir the mind of the gifted child. The average and low achievers benefit from the immediate feedback, so they can re-think their answer. The games involve all students in teams or individuals. Qwizdom is one of the best assistive technology devices on the market for the academically challenged to the gifted”.

Another useful feature of the Quizdom Interact Software is that teachers can track the performance and measure the success of its students. Teachers can display and record the responses of each student by utilizing graph formats as in bar charts. The results can be shared with the entire class to responses they would have given to the questions. This enables both the teacher and the student to discuss why the correct answer was accurate and why some choices may have been inaccurate. The teacher can also conduct on - going assessment, post
standard - based questions, check for student understanding and make informed instructional decisions of all which are important and suitable attributes of an effective classroom teacher.

The Quizdom Interact Software also saves time in the learning process. It is suitable as it diminishes the time spent on marking, interpreting and manually tabulating student responses to questions. Therefore, the teacher can now spend more time in manipulating data to focus on different students and demographics. The pre - made lessons in this assessment software also assist in creating the content of any curriculum faster.I know for sure that this will assist me when I have to finish and evaluate my class at the end of each term.

Furthermore, the Quizdom Interact Software is suitable for subject areas across the curriculum. The Quizdom Ready Set Curriculum has the feature where teachers and administrators can easily add or delete questions and lessons to better match individual, classroom school or district learning objectives. The Quizdom Ready Set Curriculum Software caters for the mastering of specific fundamental topics in each subject area in both the primary and secondary school system. There are Mathematics lessons that are based on: Shapes, Measurement and Algebra, in the Language Arts: phonics and in Social Studies: American , United Kingdom’s (European) History and other areas as in technology. It is relevant to an extent in our education system as certain subjects are standardized across the world. Though these resources may be useful for standardized teaching methods, it may not be suitable for teachers in other countries in the world. They will learn about American and United Kingdom’s History but it will not be applicable to their our curriculum, for example in Trinidad and Tobago. Hence, I know that may have to adapt some of the questions and answers based on our culture or curriculum content. The only exceptional case will occur at the higher classes at the Form Six Level in the Secondary School System where the curriculum may require the study of American and European History.

Further to this, the Quizdom Interact can seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel. It has the formidable feature where teachers and administrators can easily add or delete questions and lessons to better match individual, classroom school or district learning objectives. Through the use of templates, the teacher have additional flexibility to create multimedia presentations by importing documents and notes from the Quizdom Interact Software unto the Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel and vice versa. Recently, there has been some new innovations of the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software where the Quizdom Mactionpoint and the Quizdom Actionpoint package deals with the above situation.

The Quizdom Interact Software also has a useful function to a school's staff as they can use the resources such as test questions and presentations via a shared folder so that all staff members can access and use them rather than having individualized folders. These questions can then be saved and are always available for future use. It therefore makes the process easier, effective and more efficient. There may be staff members who may want to save their own questions and answers and as such this is may not be suitable to them but it is relevant to the school system.

The general aim of any education system is to make the learning process as engaging, motivating, enjoyable and meaningful as possible. As such, this Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is relevant to any educational society as it embodies all of the aforementioned qualities. With today’s focus on accountability and assessment, the Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is a must have in schools and corporations around the world. However, in Trinidad and Tobago, it may not be as feasible as we are not technologically mature as other countries of the world. For some countries as in Trinidad and Tobago, it can be costly to implement. Though it is relevant , it may not be suitable where the school is in debt or cost effective even though the learning process will be more effective through the utilization of this software. In order for this software to be implemented, there should be the training of teachers, staff members and students which can be time – consuming but beneficial in the long run.

The Quizdom Interactive Learning System Software is a novel way of keeping students focused and engaging students through their teaching and learning. As a future teacher, I would safely recommend this software to my fellow staff members, Principal, parents and community organizations as it encourages learning to be in an interactive, enjoyable, engaging and motivating.I intend to implement this fulfilling software into my teaching without any hesitation. I persuade individuals who are interested and those individuals especially in the teaching system to visit: , , , Interact_Quickstart.pdf to retrieve information on this wonderful software and to formulate their personal insights on how it can be integrated into their teaching. It is truly indicative of the twenty – first century learning environment as it satisfies the elements of a teacher and a student centred educational software and educational tool.

Roblyer, M.D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.
(4th ed.).New York: Pearson Prentice Hall
Santrock, J. (2008). Child development. (11th ed.). New York:Mc Graw-Hill
Higher Education
Skiner, B.F. (1938). Psychology Essentials Two. (2nd ed.).New York:
Mc Graw-Hill Higher Education.

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